The Lessor 123Rent., trading under the registered Trading Name 123Rent, rents the vehicle, whose details and features are described in the next page of this Rental Agreement, with the terms that are announced here and signed by 123Rent (Lessor) and the Renter. The Renter is aware of the obligation to respect the following terms, and if there is any ambiguity, he should ask for clarification before signing the Rental Agreement (Contract).

  1. DELIVERY AND RETURN (Pick up & drop off) of the vehicle

Lessor rents the vehicle, equipped with the necessary documents for circulation, in good condition, presentation and maintenance and free of any known faults, that may affect the safe operation of the vehicle. If the Renter notices the contrary, he should make this known to the Lessor within 30 (thirty) minutes after the vehicle pickup. The Renter recognizes to have perfectly understood the characteristics of the leased vehicle, in order to use it in accordance with the requirements of its category.

Renter undertakes to return the vehicle in the same conditions, on the date, at the time and in the place specified on the page 1 of this Rental Agreement. The regular return procedure of the rented vehicle, can be proved by a valid copy of the Rental Agreement, only, dully signed by the representative of the Lessor, in the Vehicle Check In Report case, on page 1 of this Rental Agreement.  The correct perform of the rented vehicle return procedure, can be proved only by a copy of a valid contract, dully signed by the representative

of the Lessor and the Renter, in the “Return Vehicle” part of ” Check Out & Check In Vehicle Report “on page 1 of this contract.

  1. Renter Liability
  2. The Renter undertakes to use the vehicle carefully and take the necessary steps to preserve from injury and unnecessary consumption items such as tires, belts, gearbox, brakes, hand brakes, etc.

The Renter undertakes to refill the vehicle with appropriate type of fuel, and to keep all the fuel receipts (in Albanian – Kuponi Tatimor) until return of the vehicle, in order to confirm and prove this, if requested by the Lessor.

During the entire rental period, The Renter must check the consumption and pressure of the tires and the proper functioning of traffic lights (stop, headlights, turn signals, fog, etc…) as well as the level of oil and other liquids, and make the necessary level upgrades when needed.

The Renter undertakes that the rented vehicle shall not be subleased, shall not be used to tow vehicles, or other items, shall not be used for racing, shall not be used to carry passengers, or other items in excess of the rated weight carrying capacity of the vehicle, etc. The Renter agrees through this contract to don’t allow smoking inside the rented vehicle.

The Renter undertakes to not allow the operation of the vehicle by unauthorized persons in writing by the Lessor, or with expired authorization, himself included. The authorization is personal, refers to a single vehicle, for a limited time. The Renter is not allowed to travel in the territories of other countries without the obligatory specific written authorization, to be issued for this purpose by the Lessor – Select Rent a Car

In case of accident, the Renter has the obligation to call immediately the Police (+355) 126, 129), or through SOS no. (+355) 112, to inform the Lessor and to provide an eventual valid copy of the Police report, or Court sentence (in the territory of Republic of Albania or abroad).

  • Compensation and Fines – By signing the Agreement, aware that not using the vehicle in accordance with the Terms of this Rental Agreement, or with road traffic regulations, may lead to additional costs that he will be charged, the Renter assumes and authorizes payments as follows:
    • Full value of the fines imposed by the relevant authorities, and other concerning expenses, or three times the value for unreported fines.
    • 1/3 of the daily rental rate for each hour late, one full day for more than 4 hours late, and the triple of the daily rental rate for each day of delay.
    • Euro 2 for every missing liter of fuel and the full value of a deposit if the supply with proper fuel cannot be verified by the refuel receipt (in Albanian – Kuponi Tatimor).
    • 0,12 euro for each kilometer driven over the allowed limit.
    • Euro 300 for having allowed smoking in the vehicle.
    • Euro 20 if the vehicle is returned not properly cleaned and cannot be normally inspected for eventual damages.
    • Euro 500 for having allowed the operation of the vehicle by unauthorized persons in writing by the Lessor, or with expired authorization.
    • Euro 1000 having allowed traveling to foreign countries without Lessor’s specific written authorization.
    • Euro 1000 if the Renter does not hand over the vehicle personally to the Lessor. The correct vehicle drop off can be verified only as defined in Article 1 of this contract;
    • Euro 500 if the vehicle is driven on inappropriate roads not complying with the vehicle specifications and the full value of visible and invisible damages and other which may occur subsequently, within 15 days, following this misuse.
    • Two times the value of repairs and changed or replaced parts, if the Renter performs these operations without the authorization of the Lessor.
    • 1% of the total rental rate, as interest rate, for each day payment’s delay of compensations or different fines.
    • Cross Border Fee is 40 Euro for Kosovo, North Macedonia and Montenegro. For other destinations (if allowed), please contact the Lessor.
  • Liability During the Rental – Within limits set by law, the Renter releases the Lessor from any liability related to the vehicle circulation and for any eventual damage or loss caused by the Renter or by third parties, during the hiring period.

Liability of the Renter, as limited by further defined in Article 3, paragraphs 3.1., 3.2., 3.3, 3.4. and 3.5. in case of damage, or theft of the rented vehicle, consists in the coverage of the costs not covered by insurances (which can go all the way up to 20% of the value of the vehicle), for visible and invisible damages, towing, the loss of the value of the vehicle and financial losses caused by the inability to use the vehicle.

The Renter assumes all legal (civil or penal) responsibilities for any violations, damages, or losses during the rental period that may result from acts or omissions committed by him or by others.

  1. InsuranceS The submission of a valid copy of the Police report, or Court sentence is an OBLIGATORY condition to obtain the insurance coverage.
    • TPL Insurance (Third Part Liability) is included in the rental rate and covers damages that the Renter may cause to the third parties’ vehicles.
    • CDW & TP Insurance (Collision Damage Waiver & Theft Protection) is included in the rental rate and limits the liability of the Renter for damages caused to the vehicle, such as scratches, dents, other exterior damages. You need always a police report to prove the damage.

Note: In any accident or damage of the car, a police report is needed.

  • CDW & TP INSURANCE does not cover damages caused by drivers not authorized in writing by the Lessor or with expired authorization, damage of the wheels, tires, hubs or rims, damage of the klaxon, damage of the chassis, damage of the cabin interior, the loss or damage of the key and remote, damage of the engine and injection system as result of refuel with not proper fuel, damages of the gearbox caused by incompetence or negligence of the driver, damages occurred by driver or third persons under the effect of alcohol or various drugs, intentional damage in parking, intentional damage by explosion, arson, setting fire to the cabin interior parts, etc. In the event of theft to full theft of the vehicle the delivery of the key/key card with remote control is a condition, to benefit the compensation.
  • EXTRA INSURANCE PROTECTION is a complementary insurance applied over the CDW & TP INSURANCE to be paid in advance. In case of an accident it protects from claims made against scratches, dents or other exterior damages and offers the reimbursement of the excess for damage (excluding administration fees) to be paid as a result of a claim on the CDW & TP whilst renting the vehicle. It also includes 24/7 road assistance.
  • FULL RISK PROTECTION does not cover damages caused by drivers not authorized in writing by the Lessor or with expired authorization, the loss or damage of the key/key card and remote, damage of the wheels and tires, damage to the cabin interior, damage of the engine and injection system as result of refuel with not proper fuel, damages occurred by driver or third persons under the effect of alcohol or various drugs, intentional damage by explosion, arson, setting fire to the cabin interior parts.
  1. Lessor LIABILITY

Lessor assumes no responsibility for any loses or damages that might be caused to the vehicle during the rental period. The Lessor recognizes the responsibilities and obligations defined by law, only.

  1. OTHER

The Renter shall not be refund in any case of unilaterally early break of the contract (agreement) or earlier return of the vehicle.

In case of violation of the Terms and Conditions, the Renter authorizes the Lessor, without any limitations and at any time to retake the vehicle in possession and assumes the payment of all eventual costs. The Renter recognizes to the Lessor the right to be compensated, at any and for indefinite time, even by using the Renter’s credit card information, or other personal information.

Disagreements will be resolved in the District Court of Tirana. This contract is written in 2 (two) identical copies, one of which to be held by the Renter and the other by the Lessor.

By signing, the Renter acknowledges that he has fully understood the terms and conditions under which he rents the car and that he is fully responsible and aware of what he has undertaken. All clauses of the present contract are deemed essential and without which the contract would not have been accepted by the Lessor.

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